Mother Tongue Language (Chinese)
Mother Tongue Teachers:
Mdm Tinie Tan (Head Of Department) |
Mdm Chng E-Hwei (Senior Teacher) |
Ms Lo Yuan Yuan |
Mdm Lim Peak Deng |
Mdm Wang Yan |
Ms Lee Ya Ting |
Mr Zhang Xingang |
Ms Kao Pow Ling |
Ms Liu Xiaoyu |
Mdm Andrea Goh |
Mdm Serene Tan |
Ms Alies Wong |
Mdm Luo Yanping |
Mdm Norashikin Bte Abdul Hamid (Subject Head ML) |
Mdm Humairiah Bte Ahmad |
Mr Aman bin Samat |
Ms Syazwani Binti Hasrol |
Ms Wan Nur Raudhah |
Mdm Lim Sock Ngoh |
Mdm Suguna Gopynathan |
Mr Syed Ashratullah s/o Syed Sebakhatulla |
Ms Koh Jia Shan |
Aims & Objectives宗旨与目标
To develop students into confident and competent Mother Tongue Language
users who appreciate the Mother Tongue Language culture and values through
a fun, innovative and culturally rich experience.
Our MTL Game Changer我们的母语改革观/颠覆性信念/学习母语的转捩点
Learning Mother Tongue Language is Joyful and Easy.
学习母语,乐而易之也。Or 轻松愉快学习母语。
Our Framework & Approach我们的框架和方法
Tongue is a living language. It is used and valued in our society. To help
learners to be active learners and proficient users of the Mother Tongue
languages, Sengkang Green Primary School MTL department aims to engages
the students in learning through the following ways:
Use a repertoire of school-wide student-centric pedagogies to make student learning visible through strategies such as Cooperative Learning, Collaborative Learning and Differentiated Instruction to support learners from diverse backgrounds learn the language by focusing on ways to engage the learners
Design activities with authentic settings targeted at creating an immersive learning environment for the acquisition of language skills and cultural experience
Leverage on the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Mother Tongue Languages (MTL) learning to develop critical, creative and culturally savvy students of the 21st Century
Create platforms and opportunities that encourage students to use their MTL to communicate proficiently in everyday life and to develop a deeper appreciation of their culture; and
Provide timely feedback to parents on students’ learning.
• 及时向家长反馈学生的学习情况。

Chinese Language Experience
Key Programmes
1. Reading Programme 阅读计划
Reading is the key to success. It has been proven
that reading is an essential part of learning. To engage our students to
be avid readers, we have put in place a structured reading programme consisting
of varied instructions and approaches to meet the different learning profiles
of our students. At the same time, we work towards making reading activities
joyful and easy for our students.
Read@SKG aims to instil a love for reading MT storybooks in our students. The programme seeks to expose students to different genre of books suitable for their reading levels. Through reading, students will be able to build up their vocabulary of Chinese words and build their confidence as they make improvements in their reading and comprehension skills.
Read@SKG 旨在让我们的学生爱上中文故事书。这计划让学生能接触到不同类型,而且适合他们阅读水平的书籍。通过阅读,学生将能够积累中文词汇,提高阅读理解能力,并增强自信心。
Monthly Book Recommendation 每月读物推荐
Special: Theme on Chinese New Year 本月主题:农历新年

Monthly Book Recommendation by CL teachers for all levels

世界书香日 World Book Day by Chinese Department in April
CL read team had conducted “World Book Day” activities last week for P1-6 CL students. These are the 6 pages book that done by the students. Super cute! We put up a small booth in the library to showcase these cute little books.
2. Mother Tongue Language Fortnight 母语双周
The MTL Fortnight aims to create an immersive environment for our students in their learning of the Mother Tongue language and culture. Throughout the year, a wide range of cultural and language activities related to the Chinese language are organised during their daily lessons for students to experience their culture and encourage them to use their Chinese language for interactions.
康林咖啡店1.0 和康林咖啡店2.0
An authentic learning experience were students practice purchasing food
items using Play Money in Chinese Language, with the support of volunteers
from our Parent Support Group. They then share with peers what they have
bought. In this experience, the students get to touch and smell actual
fruits and food.
康林小侦探 P2 Explorer
An outdoor lesson that incorporates experiential learning and multi-sensorial learning. Students role play as explorers while parents from the PSG take on the role of park rangers to support the learning experience. The lesson encourages collaborative learning where students got to different stations in groups to complete tasks given by the rangers while collecting sticker rewards on their explorer card after completion.

Learning of Science seed germination cycle during lesson

Learning of Bean Art as part of the cultural experience
Making of Rainbow Spin-Wheel through learning the steps and instructions in Chinese

Poster making 设计海报
We believe our young learners learn through play (娱教乐学) and imbibe values of respect and discipline when participating in the MTL Fortnight activities.
3. Learning Journey 学习之旅
Learning goes beyond the classrooms. Learning journeys are organised
to expose our students to their ethnic cultures as well
as to promote greater interest in the learning of Chinese Language.
4. Theatre Experience 戏剧体验
The Theatre Experience is a learning journey that aims to expose the students to Chinese cultural performances and programmes. Cultural performances such as Drama, Xiang Sheng and puppet show are organised to enrich the students’ learning experience and teach them to better appreciate the Chinese culture.
5. Inquiry into Chinese Festivals 探索传统华族节庆
Chinese New Year Celebration 庆祝农历新年
Chinese New Year is an occasion for families and friends to reunite and exchange greetings. On the eve of Chinese New Year, the celebration started with class activities to allow students to understand the meaning of the celebration and the Chinese traditional customs. Everyone had a joyous time enjoying exciting hall performances.
Mid Autumn Festival 中秋佳节
Mid-Autumn Evening Celebration for Primary 1 students and parents
In creating an environment conducive for students to appreciate diverse cultures in our multiracial society, our school organises the Mid-Autumn Evening Celebration for all Primary 1 students. While the Mid-Autumn festival has its origin in the Chinese culture, it promotes the universal values of family unity. This celebration aims to provide opportunities for all P1 students to appreciate the Chinese culture and to foster bonding between parent and child. During the celebration, our P1 students and their parents go through a multi-sensory learning experience, which includes tasting of mooncakes (halal), learning how mooncakes are made, designing of lanterns, tea tasting and guessing riddles.
Parent-child bonding activities such as lantern-making were amongst the
students’ favourite activities during Mid-autumn Evening Celebration.
6. Our Talent Showcase 才艺秀
Awards in the Competitions 比赛奖项
A big congratulations to our students who participated in competitions. May their success spur our fellow SKGians to continue
demonstrating the value of resilience and excellence in their daily life.
7. Home School Partnership 学校-家庭合作
When parents and schools work together, we can help our children achieve success on multiple fronts.
Photos of PSG helping CL events