Head of Department (Character and Citizenship Education):
Mrs Ivy Tan
Senior Teachers:
Ms Hayati Bte Abdul Rahim (ST/CCE)
Mdm Chng E-Hwei (ST/CL)
Mrs Felicia Ng (ST/Art)
Department Vision
Every Teacher, a CCE Teacher
Every School Experience, a CCE Lesson
Every Student, a Peer Supporter
Department Mission
To inculcate values and build competencies in our students to equip them
with the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to be responsible citizens
who serve beyond self.
Department Aims
Character & Citizenship Education (CCE) in Sengkang Green anchors
on the school mission to develop our students into Leaders of Character
and Socially Responsible Citizens who actively contribute to the school,
community and nation. CCE in Sengkang Green emphasises on the interconnectedness
of the core values, 21st century competencies and civic literacy, global
awareness and cross-cultural skills that are critical to develop student
into a confident person, self-directed learner, concerned citizen and an
active contributor.
Fig.1 : The CCE Goals
a) Good character: Have a sound moral compass and a
strong sense of right and wrong, think critically and ethically, be discerning
in judgment, take responsibility for choices and actions, be caring towards
others and strive for excellence;
b) Resilience and social-emotional well-being: Have
a balanced sense of self, form healthy relationships, be resilient when
faced with challenges, find meaning in life, and have a sense of gratitude
and appreciation;
c) Future readiness: Have a sense of purpose in life,
develop the dispositions of adaptability and lifelong learning so as to
be able to navigate education and career pathways purposefully and take
on the challenges of the future, including the world of work and life;
d) Active citizenship: Develop a strong national identity
based on a sense of belonging to the nation, a sense of hope in themselves
and the future, an awareness of the reality of Singapore’s vulnerabilities
and constraints, and the will to act on improving the lives of others,
and building a future for our nation.
We are guided by the CCE Curriculum Framework, which is based on the belief
that education is about developing the child holistically. Centred on the
SKGPS vision and mission, this framework focuses on the knowledge, skills
and values which we aim to inculcate in our students to equip them to be
citizens of good character.
Fig.2 : The CCE Framework
This is achieved through the CCE curriculum, which comprises CCE lessons,
Form Teacher Guidance Period (FTGP), Programme for Active Learning (PAL)
and CCE Guidance Modules as well as key student development experiences
like the National Education (NE) commemorative days, Co-curricular (CCA),
Values-in-Action (VIA) activities. The various key programmes and activities
are integrated into every level to equip our students with the necessary
knowledge, skills and values.
TEACH, EMBED and LIVE Approach:
Values are both taught and caught.
TEACH in our customised curriculum, EMBED in our signature programmes
and LIVE in our personal application as our Implementation Approach.
Key Programmes
Values-based Assembly / Form Teacher Guidance (CCE/FTGP)/HEART to Heart Programme
Anchored on the school’s ICAR2E values, and the SEL Competencies framework, the weekly 1-hour school assembly programme alternates with the CCE/FTGP lessons to teach school values, social-emotional competencies, Habits & Routines and Life Skills.
Fig.3 : The Relationship between SE Competenices and School Values
The CCE/FTGP and Heart-to-Heart programmes optimise opportunities for
teachers to build positive relationship with their students. It provides
quality interaction time for form teachers to engage in meaningful conversations
with their students and future build on their 5 Social Emotional Competencies.
The lessons are designed for students to acquire skills that will help
them to:
a) better understand themselves (Self-Awareness)
b) learn ways to manage themselves (Self-Management)
c) better understand their family and friends (Social Awareness)
d) learn ways to work with their family and friends (Relationship Management)
e) make appropriate and responsible decisions (Responsible Decision Making)
Form Teacher Guidance Programme (CCE/FTGP) aims to:
• Strengthen the provision of pastoral care by creating stable and positive
teacher-student relationships.
• Provide a platform for teachers and students to establish a good rapport.
• Help teachers identify the needs of students and provide them with better
support in partnership with the parents.
Heart to Heart interaction
CCE/MTL Lessons
CCE/MTL lessons focus on developing the moral well-being of our students
by helping them acquire and live by the values that guide them to make
appropriate choices that determine their behaviours and attitudes towards
themselves and the environment. Lessons in CCE/MTL use stories, scenarios,
songs and games, Lessons are designed to reinforce teaching and learning
of values, develop social-emotional competencies and nurture citizenship
Social Studies
The Social Studies curriculum spans
the primary and secondary levels, and helps students to grow in knowledge,
develop skills and learn values through examining issues that are of concern
to our society and the world in which we live. Through inquiry-based learning
and authentic learning experiences, we hope to ignite students’ interest
in real-world issues that concern them.
The knowledge, skills and values gained from Social Studies, together
with the citizenship dispositions that National Education is anchored on,
will help students become citizens who are informed, concerned and participative.
Fig.4: The Singapore Social Studies Curriculum
National Education (NE) Programme
The purpose of National Education is to develop & inspire our students
to take collective ownership of their future as a nation and to co construct
the next chapter of Singapore. NE is then anchored on the following citizenship
dispositions, which will enable our students to realise their part in flourishing
of the community and nation.
Fig.5 : The Citizenship Dispositions
P5 NE Show
NE Commemorative Events
The four core NE events that the school commemorates are Total Defence
Day, International Friendship Day, Racial Harmony Day and National Day.
During these events, the school will organise many interesting, fun and
meaningful activities to foster a sense of pride and belonging to our country.
Fringe Activities during Total Defence Day
Recess activities to commemorate International Friendship Day
Recess Activities to commemorate Racial Harmony Day
Observance Ceremony during National Day
Learning Journeys
The main objective of these Learning Journeys is for our children to understand
what makes Singapore tick, to understand why we are where we are today.
They illustrate our vision and planning and reflect our society's character.
Our children must learn about them, understand their significance, and
think about the part that they themselves can play to ensure that in our
journey into the future Singapore continues to stay strong as a nation
and to make progress.
Learning Journeys aim to instill in our students, pride in Singapore’s
achievements, to help them understand Singapore’s constraints, challenges
and opportunities, build their confidence in our future, and nurture a
sense of belonging to Singapore.
Inherent in the concept of Learning Journeys is the belief that every
trip undertaken by the students out of the school is an important learning
experience that will link the theoretical with the experiential - injecting
life and meaning to the learning so that it becomes real and concrete.
By visiting key installations in Singapore, the students will get see the
principles and theories learnt in the classroom and textbooks applied in
real life situations, and understand that meritocracy, hard work, the desire
to excel, and readiness to take calculated risks have allowed us to overcome
many constraints and turn challenges into opportunities.
Learning Journey to Kreta Ayer
Learning Journey to Singapore Discovery Centre
Learning Journey to Geylang Serai
Values in Action (VIA)
In our efforts to nurture our students to become active contributors and
concerned citizens of the future, the school has adopted a 6-year spiral
developmental plan in the implementation of its Values In Action Programme.
Over the years, we have evolved due the changing landscape and will require
our students to embrace the citizenry dispositions such as a sense of belonging,
a sense of reality, a sense of hope and the will to act to return serve
back to themselves and others.
Our VIA activities are designed with a focus on the home, school and the
community & the nation. Through the VIA learning experiences, students
are encouraged to identify and understand community issues, initiate actions
among peers and improve the lives of others. Throughout the process, students
reflect on what they have learnt and how they can continue to make a difference
to others.
Fig.6 : The 1-2-3 of Values in Action
Showing appreciation to our Bus Captains and Station Staff at Sengkang MRT station and bus interchange
Clean Plate Campaign
The SkillsFuture@SKGPS programme aims to equip every SKGian with the information
and tools to explore various education pathways and make well-informed
career choices. In this fast-changing world, we prepare our students to
face challenges and seize opportunities brought about by globalisation,
changing demographics and technological advancements. Therefore, SkillsFuture@SKGPS
adopts a whole school approach to empower our students to embark on a journey
of self-discovery and make informed education and career choices.
The goals of Education and Career Guidance are to support students in:
Discovering purpose - Who am I?
Nurture students' self-awareness to support them in discovering how they
can meaningfully play a part in their community.
Exploring opportunities - Where do I want to go?
Develop students' self-directedness and confidence to explore and leverage
education and career opportunities while respecting the value of all occupations.
Staying relevant - How do I get there?
Build students' adaptability and resilience to embrace the need for lifelong
Experiential Learning @ Career Awareness Fest